What is URL Full Explanation
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
What is the URL ?
A URL is a type of uniform resource identifier and is a address of resource on the World Wide Web. The protocol used to denote the location of a web resource to get the web pages. For example, to visit our website, you needs go to the URL www.learnwithavrk.com , which is the URL for the Learn With AVRK Website.
The URL delivers to users a specific resource online such as webpage, video, or other things. When you search anything on Google, it will show the multiple URLs of the resource that are all associated to your search query. The displayed URLs are the hyperlinks to get the webpages.
A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) holds the information, which is as given below -
The port number on the server, which is non-compulsory.
URL contains a protocol that is used to access the resource.
The position of the server.
A fragment identifier.
In the directory structure of the server, it holds the location of the resource.
http:// or https://
The http is a protocol that means Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It says the browser to which protocol will be picked to use for accessing the information that is specified in the domain.
The https (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is an superior protocol as compared to http as it concerned with security. It provides the warranty that the information, which is transferred over HTTP is secure and encrypted. The colon (:) and two forward slashes (//) are used to separate the protocol from rest of the part of Uniform resource locator.
The www is used to distinguish the matter, which stands for World Wide Web. This segment of the URL can be leave many times, as it is not mandatory. For instance, if you type "https://www.learnwithavrk.com/," you will still get the learnwithavrk website. For an important sub webpage, this section can also be substituted, which is known as a subdomain.
The learnwithavrk.com is the domain name for the website, and the .com is called suffix or TLD. It helps to recognize the location or type of the website. For example, ".co.uk" stands for the United Kingdom, and ".org" stands for an organization, ".com" is for commercial. There are different types of domain suffixes available, you are needed to register the name through a domain registrar to obtain a domain.
Where is the URL located ?
A URL is located in the search bar or address bar at the top of the browser window. The URL is always visible in the desktop computers and laptop unless your browser is being showed in full screen. In most of the tablets and smartphones, when you scroll down the page, the URL will disappear and only show the domain when visible. To visible the address bar, you need to scroll up the page. And, if only the domain is visible and you want to see full address, tap on the address bar to see the full address.
What symbols cannot be used in the URL ?
It is achieved by many people that space is not allowed in a URL. The URL string can contain only symbols ! $-_+*'(), including alphanumeric characters as it is recorded in RFC 1738. Any other characters must be encoded in the URL if required.